Finished Quilts

Monday, 16 September 2013


Not much sewing going on at this end.  Other things have taken centre stage.  My wee man turned two today....time has just flown by from this...

to this....
I could eat him with a spoon!
I have been organising a national conference at work which was held last week and his auntie Sylvie came over from Amsterdam for the weekend to see him so that meant no sewing time at all. We had a fab weekend.  Since the wee man is at nursery all day today, we had birthday cake yesterday...

my two boys x
A homemade (very adult) birthday cake that we will be eating for a week but check it out...

Dark chocolate fudge icing to the MAX!  I couldn't have any tea last night after a slice.  I'm thinking lunch?

One more gratuitous shot of my little superman....

Can you tell I've been fanning about with the options on Picasa?! Normal services should resume this week #fingerscrossed.


  1. Cake looks AWESOME. Congrats and cuddles to the wee superdude!

  2. Hahaha! Love the wee man's superman outfit! He's sooo gorgeous, Moira! PS) Cake for lunch is perfectly acceptable in my book! XXXXXXXX

  3. He's so adorable! Happy birthday to him. Love the look of your lunch too!

  4. Hip hop happy birthday to your wee man. He's very cute and a Superman too!

  5. so cute - happy birthday wee man xx

  6. Yay happy birthday..... that is definitely chocolate cake (no mistake!) What a cutie he is xxxx

  7. Yuuuuuuuum! Gorgeous wee man, but seriously all I can think about is cake now.... Mmmmmmm chocolate.....

  8. I'm thinking breakfast, cake for breakfast is ok right? After all it's not that much different to pastries. Wee man is super cute, happy birthday to him!

  9. Lovely photos Moira and the wee man is as cute as a button! Great to see a photo of Laughing Boy as well.

  10. Did you just make a nice normal edible cake to make me jealous?! ;-) Thank heavens I have a chocolate fudge cake in the oven otherwise I would have food envy! Happy birthday to the small boy! :-)

  11. He is gorgeous!!! Good enough to eat - and the cake too!

  12. Awwww your wee man is adorable!! Chocolate fudge cake is the best birthday cake ever!

  13. What a sweetie! Hope he had a wonderful day!!
    Yummy looking cake, are you suggesting cake is not suitable pre lunch??

  14. awww happy belated birthday!! He does look so big :) The cake looks yummy and that is such a cute superman outfit! Since you've been playing on Picasa will you please change your google profile pic?!! I don't like seeing that dummy picture and would much rather see your smiling face!
