Finished Quilts

Thursday 16 May 2013

care to join me?

Following yesterday's blog post and some of the lovely comments it has received, I am starting a new Bee!  *ducks head to miss biatch slap*  Hear me out.  This is a Bee with a difference...

here's the link to the Flickr Group

The rules of this bee are simple.  Join up as and when you want, plan to make something for yourself, something that you want to make... not for anyone else.... just made by you for you. A big thing or a small thing, it's up to you.  Do this as little or as often as you need to keep the sewing goddesses happy - a little bit of selfish sewing to redress the balance. If you'd like, we could have a linky party every couple of months or so (now I know how to do it!) and I'm thinking of a little giveaway now and then too. to join me?


  1. Me me me please! Then I might get this dress done before it goes out of style!

  2. Yes yes yes! Salt Air quilt that needs making! Great idea. I was just about to biatch slap you before I read the full post ;) XXXX

  3. Me me me!! Although I've been very good and have only been in 1 bee in the last 9 months! And no swaps! I hated spending all that time making lovely stuff and then giving it away. Even my spouse was getting annoyed with it...

  4. That sounds like a wicked aweomse bee!! I think I could be persuaded to sign up. :-)

  5. Yep... BUT does making for magazines count if I get to keep the finished quilt when they're finished with it? ;) Also the money I make from selling the article goes straight into my fabric fund, that's me me me too right?

    Cos I gotta get all this stuff finished first.

  6. Now how did you come up with this idea? Ok I will check the Flickr group out. Di x

  7. Brilliant idea Mrs Kettleboiler
    I am definitely up for trying the Me Me Me Bee

  8. Oh you little genius woman. This will stop that sinking feeling when you rip open a parcel and wish you could turn back time........

  9. Oh yes please, it will encourage me to make some things.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. ...oh go on, this sounds like fun!

  12. sounds good to me me me yes please might motivate me more to get on rather than just think about what to do!

  13. Sounds great! I am still in the honeymoon period of swapping...probably because I haven't anything yet (hoping to be pleasantly surprised) and I am in two bees (how did that happen?!)

  14. Oh that sounds so great, there are so many things on my list of I'd like to make this for me one day, maybe this is the push I need. Thanks

  15. I'm going to make a Super Tote just for ME and join the fun. I guess this will be the only bee I can join.....unless I find a Bee Patient bee!

  16. this sounds like fun-i'm in 4 bees now and getting a little whiney about not being able to make anything for me..;) count me in!
